Home > Articles by PoliticalMetals, Commentaries [Video] > Malaysian gold & silver buyers, look at what your US peers are doing.

Malaysian gold & silver buyers, look at what your US peers are doing.


Shortly after BuySilverMalaysia.com launched its webstore on Feb 2, I learnt from its proprietor that he has received numerous emails asking if he would offer buyback as part of the service. “It seems like Malaysians’ concern is about selling back their silver”, he lamented. You’ll notice that it is one of only two dealers amongst those reviewed here without a buyback service.

This is one of the tell-tale signs that many Malaysians who have recently caught wind of the gold & silver story are erroneously looking at gold & silver as speculative investments. They are interested in making a quick buck by buying these metals with the hope of selling them back to their dealers when prices move up in short order.LowYat forum discussing gold & silver Some are even excited about gold or silver savings accounts offered by various banks and are happy to invest in paper gold or silver. To get an idea of the general sentiment, check out some lively threads at the Lowyat forum (start here, here or here).

Meanwhile, over in the US, it has been reported that bullion dealers who’ve been serving their customers for decades see very little buybacks. Their long term customers have been accumulating these metals, buying when prices are rising and buying even more when there’s a price dip. How is that so?

In a recent interview by SGTreport, Andy Hoffman of Miles Franklin said:

There are no buy-backs. Customers are not selling anything. They haven’t been selling any gold & silver back to Miles Franklin or any of our competitors for years, and they’re never going to. So don’t ever ever think that when you see a big smash in gold or silver that it’s people selling. It has nothing to do with it. It is the gold cartel naked shorting paper, and it’s only a matter of time before they completely and uterly are destroyed as they were in 1968 with the London Gold Pool, and as they have been every single time in history when they attempt to subvert the forces of real money with paper.

You’re not even investing, you’re just owning real money… and you’re doing it for defense. We’re here to protect ourselves.

People should not think of silver & gold as investments. They are savings.

There you have it. They buy gold & silver for different reasons. Not for speculation. Not even as an investment. They buy whenever they wanted to convert their savings from one form of money into another. It is like someone having more confidence in the SGD than RM looking for opportunities to buy more SGD whenever exchange rates are favorable. They buy and hold gold and silver as savings because they know that these monetary metals store value (retain purchasing power) much better than paper currencies. Most importantly, they own gold & silver fully aware that these are political metals, whose prices are actively managed or manipulated by central banks.

[Note: It may appear from the paragraph above that Americans are astute investors or savers. Far from it. Retail ownership of gold & silver on a per capita basis is much higher in India and many Asian countries than in the US. The "they" refers to a very tiny group of well informed Americans who understand gold & silver for what they are.]

For a better understanding of the issues discussed above, listen to SGTreport’s interview with Andy Hoffman discussing a range of topics including Price Manipulation using High Frequency Trading (HFT), Quantifiable Criminality, Exponentially off-the-chart Methods of Attacking, Silver Subsidies, Gold Silver Ratio (GSR), and more.

Part 1

High Frequency Trading (HFT) is now something like 75% of all NYSE trading as well as a big percentage of COMEX trading.

Goldman Sach is trading 1 out of every 6 trades on the NYSE everyday, which is basically the government controlling the market.

Avoid all paper investments. The only way you can beat them is with physical gold & silver that’s not margined.

Computers have taken over the market.

Part 2

Back in 2008, when silver was knocked down [to] $8 or $9 an ounce, the real price never got lower than $17 or $18 and most people don’t realise that.

You’re not even investing, you’re just owning real money… and you’re doing it for defense. We’re here to protect ourselves.

People should not think of silver & gold as investments. They are savings.

Silver sales in dollars is pretty darn close to gold sales in dollars.


Further Reading:

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