Who else is printing money?

The U.S. is printing lots of money: Source - The St. Louis Fed

U.S. Monetary Supply: M2



The Bank of England is printing lots of money: Source - The BoE

U.K. Monetary Supply: M2


The EU is printing lots of money: Source - The ECB

Eurozone Monetary Supply: M3



Japan is printing lots of money: Source - The BoJ

Japan Monetary Supply: M2


China is printing lots of money: Source - The People’s Bank of China

Chinese Monetary Base: M2


India is printing lots of money: Source - Reserve Bank of India

India Monetary Base: M2


  1. CN
    September 24, 2011 at 3:15 AM | #1

    but greenspan is winning. his goal = get us back on gold standard. he hired the right candidate. moving on guys.

  1. February 22, 2011 at 10:49 AM | #1

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