BitCoin Flash Crash!
BitCoin flash crash in record volume (in BTC) in the early hours of NZT (6pm UTC).
Updated: 21:00 UTC
These charts are screen shots captured at the time of the crash (from The Mt Gox exchange is planning to perform a rollback of trades, and charting services that draws data from the exchange have deleted these data.
So for the record, here they are…
1-minute chart BTC in USD at Mt. Gox exchange
15-minute chart BTC in USD at Mt. Gox exchange.
2-month chart BTC in USD at Mt. Gox exchange with volume in BTC
All time data chart BTC in USD at Mt. Gox exchange with volume in BTC (all time high)
Live Charts from BitCoinCharts
Live commentary while it was happening
This update was posted at the Mt. Gox support page
The bitcoin will be back to around 17.5$/BTC after we rollback all trades that have happened after the huge Bitcoin sale that happened on June 20th near 3:00am (JST).
Service should be back by June 20th 11:00am (JST, 02:00am GMT) with all the trades reversed and accounts available.
One account with a lot of coins was compromised and whoever stole it (using a HK based IP to login) first sold all the coins in there, to buy those again just after, and then tried to withdraw the coins. The $1000/day withdraw limit was active for this account and the hacker could only get out with $1000 worth of coins.
Apart from this no account was compromised, and nothing was lost. Due to the large impact this had on the Bitcoin market, we will rollback every trade which happened since the big sale, and ensure this account is secure before opening access again.
We will address this issue too and prevent logins from each users. Leaked information includes username, email and hashed password, which does not allow anyone to get to the actual password, should it be complex enough. If you used a simple password you will not be able to login on Mt.Gox until you change your password to something more secure. If you used the same password on different places, it is recommended to change it as soon as possible.
Updated: 21:00 hrs UTC
Data around the time of the flash crash has been removed from the charts above - captured at
Here’s the email from Mt. Gox informing users that their database has been compromised.
Dear Mt.Gox user,
Our database has been compromised, including your email. We are working on a
quick resolution and to begin with, your password has been disabled as a
security measure (and you will need to reset it to login again on Mt.Gox).If you were using the same password on Mt.Gox and other places (email, etc),
you should change this password as soon as possible.For more details, please see this:
The informations there will be updated as our investigation progresses.
Please accept our apologies for the troubles caused, and be certain we will do
everything we can to keep the funds entrusted with us as secure as possible.The leaked data includes the following:
- Account number
- Account login
- Email address
- Encrypted passwordWhile the password is encrypted, it is possible to bruteforce most passwords
with time, and it is likely bad people are working on this right now.Any unauthorized access done to any account you own (email, mtgox, etc) should
be reported to the appropriate authorities in your country.Thanks,
The Mt.Gox team
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