Today’s Silver Slam Down: Profit Taking or Intervention?
If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’d have noticed that I don’t usually post anything when there’s a sudden upward spike in PMs prices (there’s more than enough cheer leaders out there!), but will almost always have a comment when there’s a sudden smash down - and here’s the latest.
It’s the classic picture of taking the staircase up (red line) and the elevator down (green line). The gradual climb over an entire trading session at the COMEX on Feb 28 has been attributed to short covering and/or new demand. That looks like how genuine buyers in a normal market would behave - buying at a rational pace to prevent sudden price spikes.
Now, take a look at what happened just a few hours ago. We see a series of waterfall declines in just over an hour bringing the price down by over 9%. Does that look like a normal market to you? The mainstream media attributed this to profit taking. The timing coincided with the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s testimony to the U.S. Congress.
Here’s a shorter version with Ron Paul’s comments on the Fed followed by questions to Bernanke after his testimony.
To many market watchers within the PMs community, there’s more than meets the eye.
- GATA: A single seller drove gold down as Bernanke testified
- Dan Norcini: Bernanke tries talking down Commodities
- Jim Sinclair [KWN]: Today was a Cover-Up By the Fed & Mainstream Media
- Jean Marie Eveillard [KWN]: Desperate Central Banks Intervene in Gold Market
- TF Metals Report: CSI Comex - The Gold and Silver Massacre Interesting Read!
- Hugo Salinas Price [KWN]: Central Banks Smashed Gold
Whichever way you look at it, this is another classic example of using a piece of news as trigger to execute trades in a manner that results in the sharpest price decline possible in order to paint the tape (scaring away speculators & momentum traders) or to generate negative publicity in the MSM (scaring away retail “investors”). I tend to agree that it’s yet another example of high handed PMs price manipulation and extreme volatility Jim Sinclair and others have been warning about.
Movements in gold will become so violent that gold will become untradable to individuals.
It applies to silver as well, if not more so. Ever wondered what is meant by that? To find out, try buying from some of the smaller web stores or walking into your favorite over-the-counter dealers during or shortly after a major price slam to take advantage of the unusually low prices. Chances are you’ll be greeted with an unusually high premium or an “Out of Stock” message. They could have genuinely ran out of stock, or may just want to temporarily hold back sales fully aware that this slam down is an abnormally and is short lived.
If indeed the PMs market is being manipulated and their prices are so volatile, does it actually make sense to invest in gold & silver?
Here are some articles to address the above question, some commentaries on previous price take-downs and PMs manipulations.
- Why I don’t invest in precious metals
- Investing in PMs or Holding PMs?
- Gold is NOT an Investment. If you’re Looking for an Investment, Look Elsewhere
- Disconnect Between Paper & Physical Prices And What We Can Do About It
- Currency Wars & Another “Drive-By-Shooting”
- Ted Butler’s 5 Questions for Gary Gensler, Chairman of the CFTC
- Positive outlook for PMs despite recent silver manipulative take down
March 7, 2012 at 4:37 AM | #1Understanding Silver Price Manipulation — State of Globe
March 7, 2012 at 11:27 AM | #2Silver Update: Last Warning To Take Possession Of Physical Silver. | Political Vel Craft
April 5, 2012 at 7:18 AM | #3Enron, stock price manipulation, and organized piracy « JRFibonacci's blog: partnering with reality
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