Currency Wars & Another “Drive-By-Shooting”
The world watches as…
- US raised its debt ceiling - more borrowing, more printing
- Swiss National Bank flooded its money markets as it tried to weaken the currency
- Japan intervened in the currency markets to slow the rapid rise of the yen
- News of Thailand, South Korea & even Greek central banks buying gold
- Investors flee the stock markets, Dow plunged
- Gold’s relentless push into all time highs continued
- Silver climbed steeply against all major currencies
Obviously something had to be done as competitive devaluations and flight from fiat currencies into gold & silver gained momentum. And so, another orchestrated take down of PMs not unlike the Drive-By-Shooting event of May 1 just took place…. and is still continuing as I write. Another margin hike??
Related News & Views:
August 5, 2011 at 9:19 AM | #1Silver Drop
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